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Thursday, December 3, 2015

Interim VAT Management

Are you looking for a seasoned professional? 
Do you need to manage a project about to start? 
Are you facing a temporary shortage of resources?

Interim management is most helpful where a specific project is run where the interim manager can independently focus its time and is particularly helpful when resources are needed to meet specific deadlines.

As part of our interim management services, we make our highly qualified and experienced professionals available to you with a schedule tailored to your needs. We have extensive experience serving senior roles in a variety of industries and organizations.
We are best fit to develop and implement short term action plans and provide the opportunity to implement long term strategic and operational solutions.

Benefits of our interim management service

  • We will bring you the best experts who create value from day one
  • We have wide-ranging industry experience
  • We will charge you by the hour for the time we spend working on your assignment
  • Flexible working hours
  • Our interim managers have completed several challenging assignments, bring with them a high technical and operational background, great work ethic and motivation
  • They can look tax and accounting processes from the outside
  • They work responsibly, diligently and efficiently
We not only develop but also implement solutions

VAT reporting

Business challenges

  • Businesses may not have a VAT person and need someone to manage their compliance, or
  • they do have one, but he or she is busy with other priorities and they need someone to manage the day to day issues

What we offer

  • Plug short term gaps with experienced staff at short notice. Our staff can be hired as secondees on a temporary basis to plug gaps in the compliance work
  • We could do the in-house housekeeping for you; completing VAT returns, European sales lists and Intrastat reporting
  • Either on a part-time basis, for a few days a week, full-time for a certain period (e.g. six months) or permanently
For questions please contact us.

A senior team with additional experience and talent

Business challenges

There could be various reasons why more senior level support is needed:
  • The company faces strategic, operational or IT challenges and needs to adapt fast
      • The business has as key objective to get through the acquisition in one piece, to get all of its tax filings done correctly on time and then to build a new supply chain and IT system to support the new operating model and at this stage does not have a full-time indirect tax function
  • The indirect tax function is temporary not available (maternity leave, faces conflicting priorities, etc.)

What we offer

  • Bring in our senior VAT/IT team:
      • Proven industry and consultancy leaders
      • Strong technical tax and IT expertise
      • Proven project and change management (soft) skills
  • To run a project
  • To run an effective tax team with the practical knowledge and fresh perspective to help quickly plan and then implement a comprehensive and sustainable plan
  • To support in recruiting our replacements (global head of indirect tax, VAT manager) to realize that a client builds up its own department
      • We then gradually will leave our roles and support the new tax function in the transition to become successful
For questions please contact us.

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